Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Of Bakes and Stitches

I did not even realize that I missed last month's post, till it was time to post progress this month! That's how fast time seems to be flying

It's vacations everywhere but India, and many of my cousins and families are here for vacations. So, a lot of activities and get-togethers happening here

V's college re-opened in the 2nd week of June and she's in her 2nd year now. Amidst all this, we have been baking quite a bit
Here's a mango crumb bar that V baked 

Chocolate Zucchini bread has been on my to-bake list for a long time and ticked that off. I added lemon extract and some spice and topped with walnuts and blueberries. The flavours worked very well together. Here's the recipe link 

Time for a stitchy update
Here's the ORTS from last 2 month's progress. The jar has YTD progress

..and a full view before I move the qsnap. I am done 50% and am really excited how project Amma is coming up

That's from me today dear friends. Till next time.. take care.. be happy.. keep stitching.. Au Revoir!


Emily said...

Thank you so much for such a well-written article.πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜˜
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Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Fabulous progress on your stitching and the baking looks delicious too!