Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Thank you and a new start
Monday, May 9, 2011
First ever ornament!!
After a while of being down, I feel good today (well almost). The weekend was quite good. Finally managed to go out and buy some materials to help me finish off my crafts. I managed to get some great fabrics. Unfortunately I have not taken any pictures of them. Would definitely post some with my next post.
With that I was able to finish off my first ever ornament!!!
Sorry about the poor picture. Made a twisted cord with a mix of the same pink used for the "V" and an off-white
That's a first again for me. So am pretty thrilled with the finish.
After a while, I also have a beading finish to share. Last Friday was my niece's birthday. So, I made this necklace for her. Also made some custard in my never-ending attempts to include fruits in our daily diet!!
This is plain custard with apples. V was a little upset that I did not peel the skin off the apples. But sweet baby managed to eat it without too much of a fuss, thanks to the custard. Infact, I was gifted with a sticky kiss after this as a treat :) Happy mother's day to me I guess haha
Edited to include my next project. After a loot of browsing and hunting for a new project, I have decided to start another small one while I gather the materials required for my next big one.
I plan to work on a freebie by Manka. The design is here. I fell in love with the colours and the design is something that I've never worked on before.
So, friends that's from me for now.
Till my next update.. Take care.. Be happy.. Keep stitching.. Au Revoir..
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
And another..
I plan to back this with decorative paper and get it laminated to preserve the stitching.
And guess what, I have another follower. Thank you soo much for joining my blog Ruth. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy yours :)
Well friends, that's all from me for today. Am still trying to decide what my next project is going to be. Want to definitely take up something larger and challenging. Would update you very soon on what it's going to be.
Till then.. Take Care.. Be happy.. Keep Stitching.. Au Revoir
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Swami has been mother, father, friend, philosopher and guide. My brother and I were born into a Sai family and have worshipped Him right from our birth!! Swami has guided us in His gentle and kind way at soo many instances. When we cross a rough patch and then look back some time later, we would realize that there was His hands in bringing us out of the situation unscathed.
Though Swami has been preparing all His beloved children for this day some way or the other, when the day did finally come it was nothing but a shock. Tears flew abundantly and they wouldn't stop. Now it's over a week and well, I am just trying to come to terms with the truth still.
Having said all this, the definite truth is that Swami would definitely not stop guiding us. He is still with us, in us.
We love you Swami. Jai Sai Ram