Thursday, July 5, 2012

I have been tagged

Meari at Meari's Musings has tagged me - thank you sooo much for thinking of me Meari :). Here's how it goes:

  1. Post the rules.
  2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
  3. Come up with 11 new questions.
  4. Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
  5. Let them know you tagged them so they can answer the questions.
Here are  Meari's questions for me:

  1. Do you have a SABLE (stash acquisition beyond life expectancy) situation?  You bet I do
2.      What is the most favorite vacation you’ve been on? Cannot call it a vacation exactly, but my first trip to the US

3.      Have you ever entered your stitching in a competition? Nope, am too slow for that :)

4.      Cat or Dog? Neither for me, am not a pet person

5.      Have you taught anyone how to stitch? Never had a chance so far. V would probably be my first pupil

6.      What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? Friends and Everybody loves Raymond

7.      What is your favorite stitching tool? Qsnaps

8.      What brands of floss have you used? DMC, Anchor, WDW

9.      Are you adventurous when it comes to trying new foods? Yes, as long as it is vegetarian

10.  Do you like kits or do you like kitting up your own? Prefer kits mostly due to the limited availability of supplies in India

11.  If you could do anything for a day, what would it be? Be all by myself beside a pool, read some, stitch some and relax some...
Now here are my questions:

  1. What kinds of finishing have you accomplished (flat-fold, pincushion etc)?
  2. What other craft forms are you interested in?
  3. Have you participated in exchanges/SALs?
  4. On an average, how many projects do you finish in a year?
  5. Who is your favorite supplier for cross stitch fabrics?
  6. Do you always change the recommended floss in a pattern or usually stick to the suggested?
  7. Your favorite companion while working on your project (I watch my favorite shows on TV)
  8. Do you take your project along when you are out on a vacation or visiting family?
  9. Have you worked on beaded projects - completely beads?
  10. How many hours of stitching time do you get in a week?
  11. How many countries have you visited and which one is your favorite?
Here are the people I have tagged:

Cyndi - Just One More Stitch  
Michele - Just another stitching blog 
Nima - Made to treasure 
Stitching Cat - Cat Tails & needles 
Melissa - St.John's stitcher 
Lorna - A bit of everything 
Shebafudge - Shebafudge 
Leslie - Stitching the pieces together 
Hopblogger - Remake remix re-use
Daffycat - It's Daffycat
Edgar - Blacksheep's bit of the web

1 comment:

Meari said...

Thanks for playing along. Now, I know a bit more about you that I didn't know. :)

Great questions for the others, too!