Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Crafting About

About 2 years ago I bought V a long stitch kit for her summer vacations. But she did not show much interest and I did not want to force her into something that she's not really interested in.
But on seeing sea shells completed and all framed up, she is very motivated to try her hand at a stitchy project again. So we went shopping for long stitch kits again (my mother threw away the old one thinking V would never get back to it). To our utter disappointment, there was not stock in any of the craft stores and we learnt that they had stopped supplying to the stores. Finally amazon to the rescue and we found a beautiful kit there called 'Returning'

Here's a picture of her progress.

She has been going steady at it every day. School starts in a week.. wonder how she is going to manage

Here's a picture of my progress on 'The Bookshelf'

This is coming up very quickly.. but I am not able to stitch as often as I'd like to

Pictures of some beading we did last weekend

That's about it from me today friends. Till next time.. Take care.. Be happy.. Craft Away.. Au Revoir!!

1 comment:

Meari said...

I'm not sure what long stitch is. She's making nice progress, though. As are you with your bookshelf. Pretty earrings, too.