Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb is up

Yep, Feb is all done and up for the month.

And that's a closer shot of Feb alone. I used seed beads this time. 
With each finish, I gain more confidence. Am eagerly waiting for the rotary cutter now, to be able to use felt for the finishing. I have placed the order for the cutter mentioned in my previous post, by the way :)

The August cottage is progressing real slow. But I am almost there and hope to post a completed picture in my next post. Probably I should do an all-day stitching. Just stay at home with nobody around and do nothing but stitch!! Wow, I feel an idea sneaking in my head now, hehe.

That's about it from me now my dear friends. Do leave your comments, when you drop by. It's great to come back and read your comments :)

Till next time.. Take care.. Be happy.. Keep stitching.. Au Revoir


Mylene said...

oh I love this one and you have finished it off beautifully!!

Meari said...

Very pretty. I think the pink ribbon really sets it off. :)