This game has many benefits physically and mentally.
Physically, it is very good for the nervous system. Coz we have to hold the shells or tamarind seeds (these are used as coins in this game) in the palm and also drop them one each into each of the holes in order.
Mentally, it increases our analytical and calculative skills. Coz the final aim of the game is to accumulate as many shells as possible. The person with maximum shells is the winner. So, we have to calculate which hole to start the game from, so that we have maximum shells.
An amazing game if we know the rules.
Of course, Vaishnavi also has her usual role play games, which she loves to play on her own. Today was one such day, when she played cashier and....
guess who was extremely sleepy . Must have been one big boring day at the store!!!
On the stitching front, I did manage to pull out the peacock and put in a few stitches. But I want to finish my book first. Have always noticed that I just cannot stitch when I have a book to read!!! But have not read a good book for sooo long, so am I excused ?
LOL, I *love* that pic of your daughter sleeping. Rough day at the storefont, LOL
wow..this reminds me our summer vacations at my mom's place...
i have a vague memory of playing this game there, i think with manjadi kuru...
My mom also sit like this...reminds me of my mom, she is also a retired teacher.
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